Saturday, June 22, 2013

Sunday Tip: Pricing

Tip on pricing:  ( may not be the best way, just my way).  

Many wonder how to price things.  They all go to the completed listings and see most things selling for $20 and think that's all their item is worth.   WRONG!  Follow these steps instead...

-Search the completeds/solds for your listing and organize by "selling priced highest plus shipping."
- Start with the top dollar item that is similar to yours (if not selling in a lot, disregard these results and scan down until you find a single item like yours)
- Look up at the number of listings returned by the search and go down 25% of the way.  For example, if the search returned 100 items, go down to number 75 (25 from the top since you are organized by price from highest to lowest).
- The top dollar number and the 75% number is your "range."  Price your item somewhere in there.

Don't be the guy that comes in at $19 because you saw three things this week sell for $20.  If you are that guy, you are contributing to killing your own market and costing EVERYONE money.  Sure, you may make a quick buck on a sale......but you are setting the new standard for buyers to expect and killing the entire niche for everyone else.

If you took any help from anyone ever, you owe it back to them to keep things in line with what you were taught.  If you continually undercut everyone, you should have been charged all the money you are leaving on the table by the person that shared all the info with you for free.

Just one guy's opinion.......have a great weekend, all.

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